Our Guiding Principles Are Integrity, Inclusion & Self Determination
Our transition services are focused on providing our clients with increased competitive and integrated employment. We evaluate our participants’ abilities to seek employment and provide community assessment opportunities, job coaching, and employment preparedness.
The two main concerns of the parents/caregivers of our clients have been the lack of opportunities for work and appropriate social activities to build friendships.
We provide solutions for those concerns.
By partnering with local schools and businesses, PACC connects individuals with disabilities to their communities and fosters independence through integration.
- PA Connecting Communities provides a transition program for students ages 14 to 21 years of age and currently enrolled in high school.
- We provide services with an emphasis on building life and work skills. Our goal is to ensure that our participants will receive appropriate transition services which align with their interests and abilities while promoting community.
- Our employment services are designed to work with students to assist them with developing employment skills and opportunities through (OVR) the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation.
- Our Community Participation services provide students with opportunities to be involved in group activities in the community that focus on building social skills, independent living skills, and life.